
Kenner, R. (Producer, Director) and Scholsser, E. (Producer). (2008). Food, Inc. [DVD]. Magnolia. Home Entertainment.

After watching the movie Food, Inc. in class, it opened my eyes to some of the things I have never thought of when it comes to my food. Usually I just eat without looking at labels or even wondering where my food was coming from. Though within the film, they wanted to show people the things that have been hidden from us within the production of our food. Basically, the government does not want us to know the truth of what we were actually eating and how inhumanely the animals were being treated. Now the majority of our foods are coming from only a few corporations that leads to dangerous outcomes and is more prone to harmful bacteria that is spread more rapidly because of it. Some of the meat companies like Tyson and Perdue declined to interview. Though one of Perdue previous growers, Carol, was one of the only ones to let them into view the chickens. She explained the different things they do to the chickens that they grow within 49 days now instead of three months, and they are enhanced to have more breasts for white meat. They discussed the different types of drugs they used to help in growing faster, and chemicals they use to help with the contaminations. They produce these chickens from the day they hatch, and they never see sunlight or can barely walk to carry their own weight. Now corn is almost in every product today, and since it is cheap that is what they feed the animals to help with their profits. The food supply of today is geared towards a low cost- higher production rate and is not necessarily concerned with the health of the people.

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