
Professor Mangini

Writing, Research, and Technology


When I started off exploring the struggles within a relationship using weather as a way to express those troubles.  First I begin with a poem that is describing being a middle of an argument or in other words, the eye of the storm.  Even though the characters make up at the time, the problems still exist.  Then the one decides to writes a love letter to her because of the uncertianty felt within the relationship and the feeling that they cannot overcome their differences, but is willing to do whatever it takes to resolve the issue.  After opening up and writing the letter, they start to focus on what is right instead of the things that are not.  Within herself she finds a way to fix the relationship, and towards the end is where the actual place is involved, but it is also a place of happiness the character finds within.  At the end, The characters come to the park which is the actual spot for the project, where they can create more of the relationship they use to have and move forward with their lives.

(Snapshot of Tweets)


Lying awake gazing out the window
On a hot summer evening
Airless, thick

The wind gusts and whistles
Sweeps the drapes from the ground
They settle, then lift again

The luminous glow of the moon lights up the night’s sky
Trees whip, leaves rustle
Peaceful sounds of crickets… En d i   n   g

Dark clouds eclipse the moon
The wind begins to race
Swirling, raging

Rain begins pounding
Rhythmic sounds of pressure on the rooftop
Rumbling, thunderous

But never lasting

Stars begin to peek through the clouds
The air is fragrant with musk
A gentle breeze sooths the skin
The rain slows to a trickle
Quiet, tranquil

And slowly, I drift into a dream






This morning we awakened to a thick fog, white in color only allowing you to see what is right in front of you, but nothing that was to come.  It would clear throughout the day, fade in various shades of white but still remain, a mist continuing to carry on.

That describes a day in the life of us.  Today I forgot my ring, and I felt lost.  Then that is what brought me to writing this letter to you. Things sound so much better before I am able to get them down on paper because when I write what I want to say and lay it out in front of me on this 81/2 by 11 white lined paper, filed with words, and written in black ink, it then becomes real.  What lies on this sheet of paper is my heart, and it is yours to forever keep.  I lye awake at night thinking back to a point when we were both so happy, and if that is still possible for us.  Then we had no worries, no questions, no upholding as we lived in the moment, had so much aspiration, and planned a beautiful future.  Lately each day has been a struggle, and a constant battle to keep that spark, and I wonder if it should really be that hard.  Deep down I feel that maybe we have grown apart, and we are hanging on to what we have already established as well as our level of comfort in our relationship.  And to feel that way is refreshing with the love we share within our family.  I lost sight of what is important in our life, and feel as though it's not within my reach and I am unable to grasp what's right in front of me.  Because now I realize how I tend to leave things open to be your decision, your expression, your voice, and for some reason I have held back.  And for that I do not even really know why, but I know that I can reach it if I try hard enough.  I love you with all my heart, and from this point on I want to open up with you completely.  I came across a letter from a year ago to this day that was that was along the same lines of this letter I write to you now except you never got it and it was only for me to see.Though now more than ever, the point that I am trying to make is that I feel from the mistakes that I we've made that everything had been ruined for us.  As we focus on the future, the past still comes back to haunt us, and I wonder if we can actually overcome our differences.  We are struggling to maintain a day without argument.  Most of the times we are on different pages, and possibly not even in the same book.  So opposite that most of the time you're hot, I am cold; I am right, and you are left; you're a clear black and white, while I'm stuck in shades of grey, and we need to find a middle somewhere to meet.  This night we go to sleep at ease on a calm cool night with a tender touch, and a soft breeze upon the skin.  And falling into a dream as we look up to the stars. 



...The place in the middle


Telephone Conversation:

- After reading your letter, I feel that we can make this work.  Would you still like to start our date night as we planned?
-Yes! meet for a walk in the park each week, then we will go out and get dinner at a new place or something. 
-The two of us, sounds perfect!
-Around six good for you?
-Yes my love, we no longer have to get on the same page because we can start a new book together starting with chapter one tonight.
