Lying awake gazing out the window
On a hot summer evening
Airless, thick

The wind gusts and whistles
Sweeps the drapes from the ground
They settle, then lift again

The luminous glow of the moon lights up the night’s sky
Trees whip, leaves rustle
Peaceful sounds of crickets… En d i   n   g 

Dark clouds eclipse the moon
The wind begins to race
Swirling, raging

Rain begins pounding
Rhythmic sounds of pressure on the rooftop
Rumbling, thunderous

But never lasting

Stars begin to peek through the clouds
The air is fragrant with musk
A gentle breeze sooths the skin
The rain slows to a trickle
Quiet, tranquil

And slowly, I drift into a dream
When reading Micro Fiction, I really liked how it was a combination of different short stories put together within a book.  Until now, I had never read anything similar to that.  Even though each story was not very long, I found that the details that were selected was good amount to make it right to the point, and give the reader the overall idea of the story.  That was inspirational to me because I tend to put some unnecessary details within my work, and that is something I am trying to improve on.  That reminded me of something I read in Steven Kings memoir where he says, "When you write a story, you're telling yourself the story... when rewrite, your main job is taking out all the things that are not story."  The one that I liked the most was "Waiting" by Peggy McNally because the effect she uses to create the feeling of waiting for the reader.   It's almost as if it is her thoughts in a stream only separated with commas, and with that it allows the reader to get more emotion from the character.
In the reading, "Dubliners" by James Joyce, I found it hard for me to get into and follow along with the story.  In the beginning I liked where he says, "But when the restraining influence of the school was at a distance I began to hunger again for wild sensations, for the escape which those chronicles of disorder alone seemed to offer me."  He seeks the adventure and escape, but towards the end I believe he began to realize that everything is not as you expect it to be. 
When first writing the assignment about our experience in writing it was a relaxed tone because it was just to be emailed to the professor. When we were told to post our response onto a blog it was a little different since it would publicly on our website for everyone to read.  Instead of the audience directed toward the teacher, now the audience consisted of our class and just about anyone on the internet.  However, I made few changes to the particular assignment and kept my style of writing at a professional tone.  Though I looked at it a little more carefully to make sure it was okay and proofread it before I posted it.
After completing the readings, I began to think about my own writing in relationship to the stories.  I usually find it difficult to pick an idea to write about, but I found these stories inspirational in the details and concepts they used to describe their life.  Though I have to say that my favorite was, Living The Narrative Life by Pagnucci because it made me reflect and look back to my memories, and think about the different things I could write about.  I want to take a deeper approach in my writing as a narrative that is multimodal but be a basis of my life stories.  As Pagnucci states, "Living the narrative life, then, means learning that who you are is all about the stories that form your life."  It is the simple moments that make great memories, and within that lies a story to be told.  With this class, I intend to take this opportunity to really grow as a writer.
As I begin to reflect on my experience that led me to this point and my relationship with writing, I look back to when I was growing up and in the process of learning how to write.  I remember how much  I enjoyed writing within a journal because it allowed me to express my thoughts, and get through my emotions.  Now the new technologies open a variety of ways to do so electronically.  Though other than that writing was not my favorite thing to do, and I really never gave any thought about actually becoming a writer.   Though I find myself beginning to enjoy it more as I get older, and further along with my education. 

First,  I started college right out of high school in the summer, and had my mind set on majoring in elementary education.  From some inspiration from my teachers and growing up, it has always been my dream job, and just something that I always wanted to do.  My first college course began a week after my high school graduation which was An introduction to Writing, and that it was because the writing was a little different from what I was used to.  As I was adjusting to the college setting, my writing also began to evolve.  Now, I began to explore more of the options available in my work and  put more creativity into my papers. 

I always kept myself busy and I would say sometimes I took on too much with not enough time to do it.  I continued school full-time as well as worked fulltime during the day.  Meanwhile, I bought my first house, had a baby, and following that I got married as well; the past few years have been very eventful.  So, actually did not have much free time to do any reading rather than what was required within my coursework.  Unfortunately I lost touch in just writing for enjoyment.  

Then after completing my associate's degree at Camden county college, I came across a program at Rowan University that would be perfect for my lifestyle.  The Cpce program still allowed me to work fulltime during the day, and continue my course work at night finishing around the same time.  Although it seemed to be very convenient , I realize that at a lot of time it becomes overwhelming with the amount of classes and workload.  This summer I was not able to get my praxis scores in on time, and have to wait a year to continue the courses in education which is disappointing because I did pass just the score did not come in time.  So, on the plus side things will be a little easier, and I can put more focus into my writing. 
Welcome to my blog! I am still pretty new at the whole blogging thing.  My first time using a blog was for my Introduction to Writing Arts course that I took last semester at Rowan University.  At the time I was using a blogging site called Tumblr, and created my own blog as well as follow many other blogs.  I actually enjoyed using the site though I did not keep up with it after the class ended.  However, I hope to continue this website and blog that I created for my Writing, Research, and Technology, and utilize it for different purposes as I continue through my education program.  I want to keep current with the technology in writing, and I think this is a great site where I could create a website for my future students.

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